82% of buyers trust a company more when the CEO and
senior leadership are active on social media.
Many leaders and brands are missing a signifiant opportunity to elevate their influence.
Executive branding verifies your knowledge and passion in a specific area,
creating an intuitive connection that encourages trust between you and your stakeholders.
One holistic plan. Seamless execution.
We believe taking a holistic approach is critical to success. Backed by data, we transform
your ideas seamlessly into personalized messaging.
your ideas seamlessly into personalized messaging.
1. Build your Persona |
2. Gap Analysis |
3. Content Mapping |
4. Program Execution |
We begin by identifying your brand voice.
Then we analyze and measure your current digital footprint, building on your natural strengths.
Next, we develop a comprehensive content map to guide our execution efforts.
The fun begins. We create, publish, and amplify your content, supported by detailed metrics to guide the execution strategy.
Amplify your voice.
Your voice will be amplified across all relevant communication channels,
breaking through the noise, to build an authentic point of view that matters.
breaking through the noise, to build an authentic point of view that matters.
We help you build & deploy a culture of brand stewardship.
Elevate your branding efforts through our employee advocacy programs
Educate & Engage your WorkforceFor large and small organization alike, we break down the silos, helping you build an employee advocacy program, and teaching your organization how to be socially savvy and through the sharing of branded content.
Amplify your Brand ReachCompany branded messages reach 561% further when shared by employees versus branded channels. Amplify your brand reach exponentially by leveraging the collective social voices of your employees as
brand ambassadors. |
Measure and Scale through TechnologyWe help you scale your employee advocacy efforts through the most innovative technology platforms on the market. We are technology agnostic, and recommend only the best tech solution for your organizational needs specifically.